My last post on this blog was in May 2014 and I haven’t been publishing any new articles to this blog for the past 2.5 years. 2.5 years is a long time, especially with the current market situations.
Markets have been performing well in the 1 year since I last posted and we also hit a new high. Lot of new regulations has come and more will come up in the future.

Why did I stop writing?
Lot of things happened in my life that took up most of my time. I stopped consulting and got a full-time job at an interesting and challenging startup. I became a father and am enjoying time with my kid. But to be honest the reason why I stopped writing is simple.
If you go back and looked at all my post’s dates, you will notice that I wrote almost every day. I started this blog in late February and in April I decided to publish at least 1 post every day. And trying to write more than 1 post every day consistently, I was setting myself for failure. One person, coming up with creative content, everyday during his free time is not that easy. I just burned out.
What did I learn from this?
Thinking about the past teaches us valuable lessons. And the lesson I learnt here is not just related to blogging. It can apply in your everyday life and also in financial industry.
In stock markets, there is a sizeable group of people who think that one needs to trade everyday to make money. They keep looking for latest trading tips, watch different news channels and buy/sell many times in a day.
I agree trading is one of the ways to make decent money in the stock market. To do it successfully everyday, tracking different scrips is not possible for a single person. You might even end each month profitably, buy you will soon burn out. Consistently investing small amounts of money every month as SIP would always trump uncertainties in the market. SIP also means your develop good financial practices and automate your investments.
So, were all the posts useless?
In the 3 months I was writing here, I had published 61 posts and there are still a few drafts that I hadn’t completed. But all the hours I put into developing this site were not a total waste.
Those 61 posts that I wrote earned me dividends – as total page views and visitors to the site.

This chart shows that more people have been visiting this site and have been learning from all the posts. Calculating the CAGR, number of visitors to the site has grown by more than 150% each year. If this is the growth without any effort put in, just imagine if I continued writing.
Also few months ago, I began collecting email address of visitors, so that I can send them interesting content. I have collected a decent number to start my email list – all with my existing content I wrote 2.5 years back.
Power of Compounding
Remember, in my previous posts I have told about the power of compounding. Saving and investing your money from an early age in your life is important. Starting early would make sure that your money grows to a much bigger corpus. A difference of 10 years or even 1 year is very expensive.
The articles I wrote long time back had similar compounding effect on the growth of the site, even without any intervention. People have found the content in this blog to be useful. They believe that I have added enough value in their life that they have shared their email address with me. I shouldn’t let that trust go to waste.
So I have decided to restart writing articles to this blog. There are a lot of people in India who are getting better employment every year. They are earning more money than anyone in their families have and don’t have anyone to guide them. They need help in properly investing and securing their and their family’s future. Proper Financial Education is a very necessary in today’s world. I hope this site would be a small step towards that.
If you have any topics on investing, personal finance, insurance, etc., please comment about it below and I will write about those.
PS: I am also planning to release useful tools and products that will help people manage their finances better. These will help lead a fuller and richer life. If you are also interested in these products, sign up with your email address. I will send your invite first.